
I help busy career women rediscover their true happiness, satisfaction and meaningful purpose in life.

My name is Miroslava Škultéty and I’m Founder & CEO of Transformira, Transformational Coach, Accredited Journey Practitioner and Personal Development Guide.

After finishing my Master’s Degree in International Business, Trade & Commerce, I gained several well-paid jobs, but found myself dissatisfied with my life, exhausted and in the end, depressed.

On the outside my life looked perfect yet inside I was suffering...

It was an uneasy time for me and even though sometimes those experiences felt like hell on earth, today I’m grateful for them, because they catapulted me into the world of personal development.

I started my own transformational healing journey. It fascinated me, how this work can help and what incredible resources there are in each one of us.

Soon I began feeling that the journey I am on is not only to help myself, but also to help others.

I fully immersed in personal development...

...and I went through many different courses - how to help people as a guide and trainer, and that’s when I started my career as a coach.

To name some of the trainings I went through:

  • Visionary Intuitive Healing;
  • ThetaHealing®;
  • SpeakUp Professional Speakers Training;
  • Acute Homeopathy Holistic Training;
  • The Biochemistry of Dr. Schuessler.

But most importantly:

The Journey,

this incredible method, originally created by Brandon Bays, gave me some of the most powerful elements that I employ in my coaching.

The light is here for you

Now I empower hundreds of women. I’m happily married, I’m fulfilling my craziest dreams, travelling and working all over the globe. I publish on my blog and websites, create transformational meditations and of course - I coach.

Thanks to navigating my individual ups & downs and many contrasting experiences, I know exactly what you’re going through. I’m here to tell you that the light at the end of the tunnel really exists, even if you can’t see it now.

 You can create your IDEAL LIFE, too.

My number one professional passion is helping women with transforming their lives for the better. So, if you feel this resonates with you, there is nothing easier than to book a free discovery session with me now.


#1: Book a free STRATEGY SESSION - so that we can get to know each other better.

#2: Attend the STRATEGY SESSION - to see if and how I can help you.

#3: Create a CUSTOMIZED PLAN together - to achieve your desired transformation in life.

Shift from overwhelm, dissatisfaction, exhaustion or depression

to happiness, satisfaction, inner fulfilment and meaningful purpose.

Transformačný kouč Miroslava Škultéty

Do you have any questions? Email me:

© 2024 Miroslava Škultéty