
Are you overwhelmed, exhausted, dissatisfied or even depressed?

If you feel it's time to make this major change in your life, to take a chance and believe that it's no mere accident that the Universe has led you here, then I'm here to help and support you.

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I look forward to spending one-on-one time with you. With my best knowledge, education and empathy help you stand on your own feet, process difficult emotions, embark on the road to happiness and the fulfilment of your dreams.

Topics we might explore together:

  • job/career satisfaction;
  • improving your financial situation;
  • improving your relationships;
  • achieving and maintaining your ideal weight;
  • enjoying perfect health and vitality;
  • easier and faster fulfilment of your dreams.

I'm here for you.

In the last 5 years I've helped women from all backgrounds to live their ideal lives. If you wish to view their testimonials in full, see what they've got to say.

If we work together,
you will get:

  • active listening with compassion,
  • state of the art processes and highly effective techniques used by the most renowned therapists,
  • reliable support, objectivity of an Accredited Practitioner and positive motivation,
  • individual and tailor-made approach.

Oh and also...

It's more fun to transform your life for the better with a personal guide.

Furthermore, you gain outstanding results easier and faster.

Most importantly your results will be long term.

How do these sessions work?

Our sessions will happen via live call or Zoom from the place of your choice. We will create a safe and calm environment. It's good for you to have a pen & paper handy.

At the beginning of each conversation I'll ask you to set your intention for the session.

During the session, I'll be asking questions and I will offer you time-proven techniques specific to your personal situation. Your answers and your process will guide you towards your own solutions.

I'm here to support you all the time in the best way I can.

Take this opportunity

If you procrastinate and carry on living in a vicious cycle - what kind of toll might it take on you personally? What might be the consequences?

The truth is we don't know what we don't know. We can't see our own blind spots.

That's why it's absolutely OK – even smart – to ask for help and to accept it.

I invite you to shift from overwhelm, dissatisfaction, exhaustion or depression

to happiness, satisfaction, inner fulfilment

and meaningful purpose.

Do you have any questions? Email me:

© 2024 Miroslava Škultéty